Nikon D3000とD5000がディスコンに?(
I got multiple reports from different countries that the Nikon D3000 and D5000 DSLR cameras are being phased out and will soon be discontinued. Some retailers were already told that there will be no future shipments of those models. The Nikon D90 and D300s will continue to be sold throughout the holiday season.
《送料無料》【在庫目安:あり】ニコン デジタル一眼レフカメラ D3000【smtb-u】 価格:34,470円(税込、送料込) |
◎ お買い得セットも多数ご用意!詳しくはページ内バナーにて!Nikon D5000 レンズキット《納期… 価格:52,000円(税込、送料込) |
◎ お買い得セットも多数ご用意!詳しくはページ内バナーにて!ニコン D3100 ボディ《デジカメ… 価格:54,800円(税込、送料込) |