Nikon D800で撮影した、“Joy Ride”
Joy Ride from Sandro on Vimeo.
極限の暗さ、そして、超高速のバイク走行シーン。Nikon D800の暗所性能とハイスピード性能を堪能出来る動画ですね。
こちらが“Joy Ride”ビハインド・ザ・シーン
Joy Ride – Behind the Scenes from Sandro on Vimeo.
そして、こちらが”Through The Lens”
Here is a first movie, made in the Time Lapse mode that the D800 offers, a movie created by Nikon. The D800 has a really powerful video mode, exactly as powerful as the D4 video mode and that was a surprise (with uncompressed video HDMI output). The time lapse mode is neat because you don’t have to do anything : he D800 takes the still images at the rate you have entered and then compute these frames into a video.