thephoblographerというブログを運営されている方が、SONY α99の102ポイントAFシステムについて、調べてみところ・・・
The news is / or at least my impression at the time of launch was that the 102 AF points would work alongside the 19 point AF to ensure a more precise focus. The truth is that the 102 AF points will only work in the new AF-D mode of the camera which can sense depth and continuously track objects very accurately. The big news to me and the staff was that the camera only currently supports 6 lenses at this point of time.
Via : Want to Use The 102 AF Points on The Sony A99? Well You Better Own One of These 6 Lenses!
- SAL2470Z:Vario-Sonnar T* 24-70mm F2.8 ZA SSM
- SAL2875:28-75mm F2.8 SAM
- SAL50F14;50mm F1.4
- SAL300F28G2:300mm F2.8 G SSM II
- SAL70400G:70-400mm F4-5.6 G SSM
- SAL500F40G:500mm F4 G SSM
There was some buzz today because ThePhoBlogapher pointed out that “the 102 AF points will only work in the new AF-D mode of the camera which can sense depth and continuously track objects very accurately.
【送料無料】 ソニー Vario-Sonnar T* 24-70mm F2.8 ZA SSM SAL2470Z (ソニーAマウント) |
【送料無料!・代引き手数料無料!】《新品》SONY(ソニー) 28-75mm F2.8 SAM (SAL2875)【2sp_… |
ソニー 50mm F1.4 [SAL50F14] |
【送料無料★楽天内最安価】【SONY】ソニーSONY 70-400mm F4-5.6 G SSM SAL70400G/レンズ/カメ… |
ソニー 500mm F4 G SSM SAL500F40G 【代引不可】 《受注生産》 |