DxO MarkにOLYMPUS OM-D E-M10のセンサースコア値が掲載されました
オリンパスOMDシリーズの入門モデル、E-M10のDxO Mark センサースコアは72ということです
APS-Cのソニーα5000と、同じマイクロフォーサーズセンサーのパナソニック GH3との比較
With the introduction of the OM-D models Olympus has rightfully garnered a lot of praise. While the E-M1 is more likely to entice hardcore enthusiasts, the E-M10 is likely to appeal to the same users that were attracted by the original E-M5. In that respect the E-M10 offers very good image quality, approaching that of the current APS-C Alpha mirrorless models from Sony, while offering users all the benefits of the Micro Four Thirds system. The decision to adopt a down-graded 3-axis stabilizer system is the only real downside, but given the E-M10 offers most of the capabilities of the E-M5 for around a $100 less, body only, it seems like a small price to pay.
Via : Conclusion – DxOMark
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