RED ONE EPICで撮影したLEDウェアが眩しく美し過ぎる動画「AFTERGLOW」
sweetgrass-productions.comというプロダクションによるPHILIPS社のプロモーションビデオ「AFTERGLOW – Lightsuit Segment」
機材の総重量は何と9000ポンド(約4トン)で撮影に用いられたカメラRED EPIC、オクトコプターにもEPICを搭載したシーンもあり素晴らしい動画ですね!
Lighting up entire mountains was another major undertaking. The team used eight 4,000-watt lights, accented with smaller lights and gels to add contrast and fill. All told, the lighting and filming gear—which included several RED EPIC cameras and an octocopter—weighed 9,000 pounds. Where possible, they ferried all that stuff up the mountain in a helicopter, but there were times when it was loaded into sleds and hauled up by hand.
Via : What’s Harder Than Skiing at Night in an LED Suit? Filming It | WIRED
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