NASAの火星探査機マーズ・ローバーが撮影した26K 360度映像が凄い
Google Cardboardビューワーで3D映像として見ることも出来るそうですから興味ある方は是非。
This view of the downwind face of “Namib Dune” on Mars covers 360 degrees, including a portion of Mount Sharp on the horizon. The site is part of the dark-sand “Bagnold Dunes” field along the northwestern flank of Mount Sharp. Images taken from orbit indicate that dunes in the Bagnold field move as much as about 3 feet (1 meter) per Earth year.
Via : Space Images | Full-Circle Panorama Beside ‘Namib Dune’ on Mars
Curiosity: An Inside Look at the Mars Rover Mission and the People Who Made It Happen
LEGO (レゴ) NASA Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover CUUSOO 21104 ブロック おもちゃ (並行輸入)