TechInsights (previously known as Chipworks) published their reports on the sensors inside the Nikon D5 and D500 DSLR cameras – both sensors are made by Sony
Via : The Nikon D5 and D500 sensors are both made by Sony | Nikon Rumors
- TechInsightsのサイトが、Nikon D5とD500一眼レフカメラに搭載されているイメージセンサーについて報告している。
- 両機共にSONY製である。
D5のセンサーは東芝(Sony) T4K54 CMOS
Toshiba (Sony) T4K54 CMOS Image Sensor from Nikon D5 Device Essentials Image Set and Summary
Via : Toshiba (Sony) T4K54 CMOS Image Sensor from Nikon D5 Device Essentials Image Set and Summary
D500のセンサーはSONY IMX321 CMOS
Sony IMX321 CMOS Image Sensor from Nikon D500 Device Essentials Image Set and Summary
Via : Sony IMX321 CMOS Image Sensor from Nikon D500 Device Essentials Image Set and Summary
Imaging Resource interviewed Mr. Kenji Tanaka and Mr. Yojiro Joe Asai from Sony (UPDATE: IR removed the interview). They didn’t spill out any info about future specific products but they gave a more general idea of what kind of tech they are working on:
Via : Sony interview at IR: Best Sony sensors will remain in house and not be outsourced (to Nikon). – sonyalpharumors sonyalpharumors