ソニー α9II のリーク画像その2(SAR)
sonyalpharumorsがSONY α9 II の上面部のリークイメージを追加しました。(前回のリークはこちら)
“Here is a new leaked image of the soon to be announced new Sony A9II. From what we heard journalists, youtubers and bloggers have been invited for the launch of this camera on the same weekend of the PhotoPlus show but not directly AT the Photoplus show.”
Via ‘ (SR5) New leaked image of the Sony A9II !!! – sonyalpharumors (https://www.sonyalpharumors.com/sr5-one-new-leaked-image-of-the-sony-a9ii/)
ピンバック: ソニー α9II のリーク画像その2(SAR) | Dmaniax.com | Soramimi Forest